Sorry, PlaceBased is not accepting donations.

PlaceBased, as a social marketing & media organization, greatly appreciates the support and enthusiasm from individuals and organizations who are interested in contributing to our campaigns. However, at this time, we regret to inform you that PlaceBased is not accepting donations for its social marketing initiatives.

Our campaigns are primarily funded through partnerships with clients and grants from relevant organizations. This approach allows us to maintain a high level of integrity and impartiality in our work, ensuring that our messaging and strategies are solely focused on promoting positive behavior change and benefiting the communities we serve. While we appreciate the generosity of those who wish to donate, we encourage individuals to engage with our campaigns by actively participating, spreading awareness, and advocating for the positive messages we strive to deliver. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on society and create lasting change.

If you wish to support mental health programs, substance abuse education, or any other social cause close to your heart, our partner organizations offer diverse opportunities for meaningful contributions.

To connect with one of our esteemed partners and explore how your donation can make a difference, please reach out to us by using the ‘Let’s Talk’ button below. Our team will be more than happy to facilitate the connection and guide you on how to support the cause that resonates with you the most.

Thank you for being a part of our community and for your unwavering commitment to creating positive social change. Together, let's make a difference and build a healthier, safer, and more vibrant society.